EA Sports Unveils New Madden Franchise Mode Where Super Bowl Champs Can Celebrate by Causing Millions in Citywide Damage

Madden announced today that the next installment, Madden 26, will feature an upgraded Franchise Mode, now allowing players to take their Super Bowl celebrations beyond the stadium and straight into the streets where they can partake in time-honored traditions such as looting, pyrotechnics, and scaling traffic lights.

“We felt like something was missing,” said a Madden developer in Monday’s announcement. “Winning a championship is great, but what about the true test of fandom... setting your own city on fire in the name of victory?”

The new mode offers an immersive, GTA-style 3rd person experience, where users can roam their team’s home city after a Super Bowl win, flipping cars, hijacking police horses, and launching fireworks at rival fans. Players can also unlock special celebration perks, including a ‘Greased Pole Climbing’ skill tree, ‘Fireworks Javelin Throw,’ and the coveted ‘Trash Can Chariot’ achievement.

Madden also confirmed that injuries sustained while attempting backflips off streetlights will carry over to the next season's Franchise Mode, meaning your star QB might start Week 1 with a sprained dignity.

Drew Forbes

Drew was raised by his 3 dads on an Emu farm in Humboldt, Iowa. He has an irrational fear of cockroaches, and seafood restaurants that leave some of the skin on the fish they serve. In August, 2019 Drew blacked out drinking bourbon Manhattans, and when he woke up the next morning this website had been created. Drew doesn’t have a beard, but if he decided to grow one it would easily become the most interesting thing about him. When he grows up some day, he wants to die.


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