Op-Ed by Eli Manning: “Elephants Would Be My Favorite Horses If Bears Didn’t Exist”

I love horses. Horses are a top 5 animal for me all time. I can draw horses better than most, but that’s another story for another time. Elephants would be my favorite horses if bears didn’t exist. Hello, my name is Eli and I used to play QB.

Why bears over elephants? That’s a really good question. I’ve thought about that a lot. Did you know bears can run? They can run really fast. Elephants can run too, but they can’t hit bear speeds. Advantage bear.

I really like elephant ears. Probably my favorite animal ears. Probably. Definitely the best horse ears. That’s not even close. When I was 5 dad took me to the zoo and I pointed at elephants for almost 4 hours. It was the best day of my life. I saw so many ears that day. Good ones. Advantage elephant.

Bears have huge knives on their hands. Elephants have knives too, but they’re mouth knives. Looks uncomfortable. I can’t see me drinking juice boxes with those mouth knives. Advantage bears.

Tie breaking round, I could spell bear way before elephant. Peyton had to help me spell elephant for years. For this article I had it written down on paper, but even if I didn’t I know how to spell it. I only had to look at it three times, maybe four. Bear is easy. Way easier than elephant. Advantage Bear.

I hope you enjoyed my stories today about horses. Now that I’m retireded, I plan on doing a lot more with my passion for horses. I love horses more than anyone in the world I think. Except maybe other horses, but even then I don’t know. I think I love horses more than most horses at least. I wish there were purple horses. That’s actually why I started drawing horses. To make them purple in my mind.

Thank you. My name is Eli and I used to play QB. Now I mostly talk about horses.


Drew Forbes

Drew was raised by his 3 dads on an Emu farm in Humboldt, Iowa. He has an irrational fear of cockroaches, and seafood restaurants that leave some of the skin on the fish they serve. In August, 2019 Drew blacked out drinking bourbon Manhattans, and when he woke up the next morning this website had been created. Drew doesn’t have a beard, but if he decided to grow one it would easily become the most interesting thing about him. When he grows up some day, he wants to die.


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